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  1. Introduction apresentation

    Please enter following informations : EN *Firstname: Wilber *Age: 29 *Location: Brasil *Occupation : 3d maker Favorite games: mu online *Interests: 3d *A description of you: *Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Other specifications? If you use VPN /proxy or other methods to hide your ip...
  2. Introduction Apresentation Personal (biell2k)

    *Firstname: Gabriel *Age: 26 *Location: Bahia - Brazil *Occupation: Games Developer Favorite games: Metin2/Perfect World/ Wow *Interests: Games, I.T, sports *A description of you: I'm an extroverted person with a passion for technology *Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google! Other...
  3. kayus1813

    Introduction Apresentation Personal (kayus1813)

    Firstname: Ricardo Age: 33 Location: Portugal Occupation: Programmer Favorite games: Metin2 / Apex Interests: Football, Video-Games A description of you: I'm a calm guy and a little shy. I like playing games and programming. I am married and have 2 children. Where did you find about...
  4. HellBlazer1997

    Introduction Presentation

    Firstname: Tiago Age: 22 Location: Portugal Occupation: Umployed Favorite games: Metin2 , Silkroad Online , CS GO Interests: Know new people and new stuffs for metin2 A description of you: i'm be happy every day, i'm very sympa and social. Where did you find about OnForum.net ? google search...
  5. renanbragansa

    Introduction Hello Guys

    Firstname: Renan Age: 24 years Location: Brazil, Espirito Santo Occupation: Law student and professional graphic designer ! =) Favorite games: Metin2 Interests: I'm thinking of putting together a metin2 server, and am looking for base files to start the same. A description of you: Well, I'm...

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