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  1. streettime98

    Metin2 - Water Persian Texture

    Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TfVaqSjdH9_LSFuQtMNahQJQgP8aKTlt/view?usp=drive_link
  2. distwow

    Introduction Intro

    RO Prenume: Paul Varsta: 31 Locatia: Romania Ocupatie: Student Jocul(rile) preferat(e): Metin Interese: jocuri O descriere despre tine: Am 31de ani, sunt student, ma cheama Paul De unde ai aflat de OnForum.net? : de pe web Alte precizari?: -
  3. Introduction introduction

    Firstname: Roman Age: 21 Location: Czech Occupation: Metin files editor Favorite games: Metin Interests: Metin A description of you: I would like to create own metin, and i need to find files for it.
  4. Introduction Introdution

    Firstname: wilber Age: 29 Location: brazil Occupation: designer Favorite games: Metin/simulation games Interests: Games and RPG A description of you: I like to try new things and have always dreamed of creating a metin server that's why I'm here. Where did you find about OnForum.net ? I was...
  5. Evans

    Metin2 Wings Effects

    HI! Sorry for the video quality😅 DOWNLOAD: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  6. Evans

    Costumes (Tatsumaru)- Demon Steel [Warrior Only]

    DOWNLOAD: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  7. Evans

    Angel of Love Dane Service

    Hi everyone! Download: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  8. Evans

    Costumes Vandaa Costume&Weapon

    Hello! New costume for you 😊 Download: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  9. Evans

    Metin2 Lovely alpaca

    Hi everyone! Here is something pretty for you ;) DOWNLOAD: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  10. Vanilla

    Metin2 Observer Mode - Bug Fixes for Pets and Mounts

    This is to fix a bug in observer mode such as guild wars. If you have a pet in the slot and it respawns every time you teleport, it will affect you. If you have a mount in the slot and it respawns every time you teleport, it will affect you. It only affects you if the mount is following you and...
  11. Introduction hello

    *Firstname: Polat *Age: 26 *Location: Germany *Occupation: Cashier Favorite games: Metin 2, Diablo 2 & 3, Witcher etc *Interests: Metin Gamefiles , E-Guitars , E- Guitars and more E- Guitars:D *A description of you: I am a silent Person who not speak that much but i like to be in my Element to...
  12. Metin2 Pet nard

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  13. Metin2 Slot machine system

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  14. Metin2 Freeze player in game by GM

    #ifdef ENABLE_GM_LOCK_PLAYER if (isLocked()) return false; #endif client src GameLib/ActorInstance.cpp // find: BOOL CActorInstance::IsDead() { return m_isRealDead; } // add after: #ifdef ENABLE_GM_LOCK_PLAYER BOOL CActorInstance::IsLocked() { return m_isLocked; } #endif //...
  15. Sonia

    Metin2 King and queen armor and helmet

    link soon
  16. Alexandru Ionut

    [How-To] Update Granny (2.4-2.11)

    Hi,i will "teach" you how to update your granny version if you have 2.4. If you want to update from 2.4 to 2.9 use step 1.For update 2.9 to 2.11 just replace files from my rar to your client files and client source files. I will attach a link with all files. Granny Change log...

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