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  1. Evans

    Metin2 Luffy Pet

    Hello everyone! DOWNLOAD: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  2. Vanilla

    Metin2 Valentine pack (costumes, weapons, mount,pet , wings + effects ) plechito

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  3. Vanilla

    Metin2 Observer Mode - Bug Fixes for Pets and Mounts

    This is to fix a bug in observer mode such as guild wars. If you have a pet in the slot and it respawns every time you teleport, it will affect you. If you have a mount in the slot and it respawns every time you teleport, it will affect you. It only affects you if the mount is following you and...
  4. Blaze

    Metin2 Dark cult costumes+ weapons+ mount + pet (by plechito)

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  5. Vanilla

    Metin2 Pyramid pet 1

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  6. Metin2 Pet alistria

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  7. Metin2 Pet seraphim

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  8. Metin2 Pet nard

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  9. Metin2 Gron pet

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  10. Metin2 Fire Frog pet

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  11. Metin2 Croco pet

    -=Stripped Content=-
  12. Metin2 BiBi pet

    -=Stripped Content=-
  13. Blaze

    Metin2 Maple pet by mark

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  14. Sonia

    Metin2 Halloween gangsi pet

    -=Stripped Content=- You can earn credits if you post useful content (1 thread=1 credit)
  15. Sonia

    Metin2 Hydra pet

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  16. Sonia

    Metin2 Snowman2

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  17. Sonia

    Metin2 Snowman 1

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  18. Sonia

    Metin2 Penguin pet

    -=Stripped Content=- You can earn credits if you post useful content to the community (1 thread=1 credit)
  19. Sonia

    Metin2 Christmas goblin

    -=Stripped Content=- You can earn credits if you post useful content to the community ( 1 thread= 1 credit)
  20. Metin2 Venusaur

    The model has 6 animations : run, walk, wait0 to wait3 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***

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