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  1. maxtr2

    Introduction Presentation

    Firstname: Guilherme Age: 41 Location: Brasil Occupation: Web Dev jr. Favorite games: Dark Souls Interests: Learn c++ and python A description of you: Just a simple web dev who like old games and mmo rpgs. Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google Other specifications?: I want to learn about...
  2. affarista

    Introduction Presentation

    Name: willy Years: 36 Location: united stated Occupation: disoccuped Game preferred: metin2 interests: play on metin2 forever my description: I'm a quiet guy, passionate about video games and outdoor sports. I discovered onforum.net while wandering around looking for nice servers
  3. rporrasj97

    Introduction Hello guys!

    Firstname: Ricardo Age: 25 Location: Colombia Occupation: Designer Favorite games: Metin2 Interests: Gaming, programming A description of you: Hello, I'm 18 years old and I'm studying programming. Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google Other specifications? No
  4. Elendos

    Introduction Elendos Says Hello :)

    *Firstname: : ----> Alexander *Age: ----> 27 *Location: ----> Germany *Occupation: ----> it System Administrator Favorite games: Metin2,Halo,WoW,Valorant *Interests: ----> Programming, Online Games *A description of you: ---> My name is Alexander (Elendos) and I am 27 years old...
  5. Sicily94

    Introduction My Presentation

    Firstname: Silvio Age: 28 Location: Italy Occupation: PC Technician Favorite games: Metin2, Valorant, GTA V Online, Rocket League, COD: MW, ecc... Interests: PC Technician, Assistance, ecc... A description of you: I'm PC Technician, Assistance, ecc.. Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Metin2...
  6. Introduction hello

    *Firstname: Polat *Age: 26 *Location: Germany *Occupation: Cashier Favorite games: Metin 2, Diablo 2 & 3, Witcher etc *Interests: Metin Gamefiles , E-Guitars , E- Guitars and more E- Guitars:D *A description of you: I am a silent Person who not speak that much but i like to be in my Element to...
  7. BadBunny

    Introduction BadBunny

    *Firstname: My name is David *Age: I am 26 years old *Location: I am from Paris in France *Occupation: Metin2 Favorite games: Metin2, CS, LOL *Interests: C++, Python, Lua in Metin2 *A description of you: I am a young accountant, I am very calm and I am eager to learn *Where did you find about...
  8. Solex

    Introduction My Presentation =)

    Firstname: Rafael Age: 23 Location: Portugal Occupation: Working in a Call Center Favorite games: Rust, Metin2, Black Desert Online and League of Legends Interests: Games, Music, Anime A description of you: Frindly guy always smilling and happy =) Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google...
  9. ApsikxMetin2

    Introduction My presentation

    Firstname: Artur Age: 25 years old Location: UK Occupation: Computer science Favorite games: Metin2 Interests: Learning more about programming A description of you: I love programming and video games Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google Other specifications? Learn more about metin2
  10. Introduction Presentation of me

    Firstname: Vincent Thauros Age: 22 years old Location: France Occupation: Computer science student Favorite games: League of Legends Interests: Learning more about programming A description of you: I love programming and video games Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google Other...
  11. Myth

    Introduction Myth

    Nickname's Myth. Age 23. From UK Living in Portugal. Currently working in metin2. Fav games Cod/WoW. Interested in metin2 atm. Just a regular dude. Found about this forum just searching metin2 stuff.
  12. Odhin

    Introduction Presentation :)

    Name: Rosario Age: 25 Location: Palermo, Italy. Occupation: student Favorite games: Metin2 Interests: Playing video games in general, physical activity and calisthenics. I also love to ride with my harley davidson <3 Describe yourself: I do oss by taking care of elderly people but I would like...
  13. MorpheusTai

    Introduction Hello all

    Firstname: Danilo Age: 28 Location: Italy Occupation: Engineer Favorite games: Word of Warcraft and Metin2 Interests: Science, programation, video games A description of you: I am an avid gamer. I enjoy spending my time with friends. Where did you find about OnForum.net: A friend told me about...
  14. morisandos

    Introduction Presentation

    Firstname:Lukas Age:22 Location:Czech republic Occupation: Police officer Favorite games: Metin2 Interests: Programing A description of you: im just chilling guy :) Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google, friend Other specifications? No more to say , just programing :)
  15. Introduction Présentation Yalabi

    Hello, my name is Benji, I am currently 21 years old and I live in France, I am a young beginner in emulation and I have a big project for a server Metin2 ... A great project but so little to know is what I am, I hope to get along with the research and good mood of this community. I discovered...
  16. Blaze

    Metin2 Avora2 Presentation index

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