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Xenforo 2 Brivium - Cerium v2.0.10 - XenForo 2 Style



Brivium now presents you a new XenForo 2 style named Cerium. The style was named after the element “Cerium”, the a soft, ductile, silvery-white metallic chemical element with symbol Ce and atomic number 58. If you are a fan of the plainness and cold color tone, this one is for you. The style was designed by our team with maximal simple colors. To highlight the posts and threads inside, we cover the outside with cream milk color. The administrative bar was painted by grey color.
The most significant point of this style is that we support the users with the hidden taskbar. The users could drag and hide the taskbar when they use devices like tablets to surf websites. Buying our style today to receive support from our technical staffs. With a reasonable price, Brivium is proud to bring you our best XenForo 2 style.

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