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Xenforo 2 Brivium - Zirconium v2.0.10 - XenForo 2 Style



Zirconium Style is created under the name of Zirconium element. Zirconium is a chemical element with symbol Zr and atomic number 40. The name of zirconium is taken from the name of the mineral zircon, the most important source of zirconium. The word zircon comes from the Persian word “zargun”, meaning "gold-colored". From old days, the ancient Egyptians used to make Zircon mineral to jewelry, when peeling, sanding, grinding, the stones turn into “gold color”. Being affected by the culture of ancient Egypt, the symbol of Zirconium is a scarab. Scarab is represented by the God of Sun Khepri related to the revival. Scarab species usually lay eggs in the feces of other animals, roll them up like balls and roll into the hole, mean the beginning of the life cycle of a little scarab. Egyptians compare this behavior like the movement of the "sun ball" rolling across the sky and its daily rebirth. The ancient Egyptians believed that “a scarab” flying in the sky each morning will call up the sun. Scarab is therefore a symbol of the rising sun, is used to protect against evil, it is also a symbol of rebirth, creativity, change, giving strength to the wearer. Big wing Scarab and big heart-shaped Scarab are considered as the luck and placed on the mummy to protect people from evil. When Pharaoh Amenhotep III died, hundreds of mementos shaped Scarab was made to mark the milestone events in his life.

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