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Wordpress CodeCanyon - EventOn v2.6.16 - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin - 1211017 - NULLED + EventOn Add-Ons



EventOn WordPress Event Calendar Plugin has every possible option to promote your events. It will make sure that your visitors gets to know about your upcoming or current events. The user interface and design of this tool is very smooth and easier to work on with shortcodes making it even simpler to use. EventOn Add-Ons: EventON - Action User v2.1.9 | EventON - Bookings v1.0.2 | EventON - Countdown Timer v0.4 | EventON - CSV import v1.1.7 | EventON - Daily Repeats v0.3 | EventON - Daily View v1.0.8 | EventON - Event Lists v0.10 | EventON - Event Photos v0.5 | EventON - Event Map v1.4.2 | EventON - Full Cal v1.1.6 | EventON - QR Code v1.1.1 | EventON - RSS Feed v0.3 | EventON - RSVP Events v2.6.2 | EventON - Event Search v0.7 | EventON - Seats v0.2 | EventON - Single Event v1.1.6 | EventON - Slider Addon (Pixor) 2.9.0 | EventON - Subscriber v1.2.5 | EventON - Sync Events v1.2.2 | EventON - Event Tickets v1.7.6 | EventON - Ticket Variations & Options v0.2 | EventON - Weekly View v1.0.11


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