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CodeCanyon - JetElements v1.15.0 - Widgets Addon for Elementor Page Builder - 20407053



Meet JetElements, one of the best-selling addons for Elementor Page Builder. It provides a huge set of 50 content widgets and requires no coding skills. JetElements includes the JetDesignKit extension, giving access to over +1000 pre-designed section templates, +150 stylish subpage templates on different topics, and the set of +60 home pages, built with Elementor and JetElements. With JetElements, you get professional 24/7 support and extensive Documentation. The plugin has basic RTL support. It is compliant with PHP 7.x and WordPress 4.9.x, and has full compatibility with the latest Elementor versions.

http://nitroflare.com/view/C7EA24BE...don_for_Elementor_Page_Builder_-_20407053.zip http://nitroflare.com/view/D4B82879...don_for_Elementor_Page_Builder_-_20407053.zip
https://rapidgator.net/file/c596126...or_Elementor_Page_Builder_-_20407053.zip.html https://rapidgator.net/file/b344c20...or_Elementor_Page_Builder_-_20407053.zip.html


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