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------------- ----------- V1.0 -------------------------
-Start Items Added -
Agent Created
- 0 Yang problem Fixed
- Alchemy Removed
-Teleport Ring Added (Levinus Ring)
-Installation prices changed
-Poiled Epic Surals
- Ox flowers Fixed Mapa
- Partition Corrected Fixed Partition Problem (I guess I tried 12 times, but started not
deleting after reboot) -Gm for Backup - Log Deletion - Maintenance Tasks Added -
Tax Deleted (% 3 item tax)
- Game Entry and a Announcement at 30 DK Added

------------------------ V1.2 ---------------------- ---
Created Maps NPCs, locations and viewpoints
Added - Added Administrative Panel (Vnum 40004 - Eakin Ring)
- Basic Skill Added to NPC (Not Just Skiller Makes Basic Skills P!)
- Basic Skill NPC and Epic to Villages Sural Fixation
- Teleportation Problems [FIX] (Spider Dungeons, Exile Cave, Giants Land and Red Forest Beginning)
- 5 lwl Start of Shaman from Startup
Items Removed - Drops Closed
- Problem Not Deleting Characters Restart [FIX] - If the Character Does Not Erase Delete the player_delete table from Navicattan and execute the command

CREATE TABLE player_deleted LIKE player;
Game File:
Mysql File:
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