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Quests /Python Script automatic backup of server and database files in python


The quest script serves an automatic backup of the server (sia dei files che del database)
Per gare il backup solo del database eseguire il comando:
python backup.py --database
By default, you will be able to backup the files in the following files:
python backup.py --files
Per fare il backup sia dei files che del database eseguire il comando:
python backup.py
By default, it automatically changes the file / etc / crontab file to another fine question
* / * * * * Root / usr / local / bin / python /mt2/backup.py
Al posto di / 30 metres ogni que que música i vuole che venga fatto il backup
Al posto di /mt2/backup.py metre to path del file backup.py
It is possible to back up the backup files to the backup files due to the backup of the database 15 minutes,
* / * * * * * Root / usr / local / bin / python /mt2/backup.py --database
0 * / 2 * * * root / usr / local / bin / python /mt2/backup.pyfiles

Riavviare crontab con il comando
/etc/rc.d/cron restart
On the basis of the script, the python of the python can be installed with the following command:
pkg install p7zip
pkg install python
"" "
import os
import time
import sys
today_date = time.strftime ("% d-% m-% Y")
time_now = time.strftime ("% H-% M")
db_user = "root"
db_password = "franzi"
m2_path = "/ mt2 /"
def make_dir (dir_name):
    if not os.path.exists (dir_name):
        os.makedirs (dir_name)
def backup_db ():
    print ("Backup del database in corso ...")
    os.system ("/ usr / local / bin / mysqldump -u% s -p% s account> account.sql"% (db_user, db_password))
    os.system ("/ usr / local / bin / mysqldump -u% s -p% s player> player.sql"% (db_user, db_password))
    os.system ("/ usr / local / bin / mysqldump -u% s -p% s common> common.sql"% (db_user, db_password))
    os.system ("/ usr / local / bin / mysqldump -u% s -p% s hotbackup> hotbackup.sql"% (db_user, db_password))
    os.system ("/ usr / local / bin / mysqldump -u% s -p% s log> log.sql"% (db_user, db_password))
def backup_files ():
    print ("Backup della cartella% s in corso ..."% m2_path)
    os.system ("/ usr / local / bin / 7z and backup.7z -xr backup% s"% m2_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arg0 = str (sys.argv [1]) if only (sys.argv) else None
    # create and move to backup directory
    make_dir ( "backup")
    os.chdir ( "backup")
    make_dir (today_date)
    os.chdir (today_date)
    make_dir (time_now)
    os.chdir (time_now)
    if arg0 == "--database":
        backup_db ()
    elif arg0 == "--files":
        backup_files ()
    elif arg0 == None:
        backup_db ()
        backup_files ()
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