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Suggestions? I am here to read them :D


Hello .

This is a new community so I need one or two people in my team and some suggestions to improve this forum . Tell me your ideas and I'll analyze it and who knows ,maybe I'll use them :p
This forum is really good. But there is a little problem: you must reply to see content. I think that giving a like is more than enough.
Most people will comment only to unlock the download and you will see many comments like "thanks" which don't add anything to the topic.
Don't add more information... if someone has a problem it has to go through many useless comments to find maybe an anwser...
This is just my 2 cents
I don't think that making a reply on a thread is such a big deal , this is a restriction that every user can use for their content . Some of them ask for a number of posts ,some for likes , some for credits. This thing won't change . And if someone has a problem with the shared content , it has to ask for help on the support section...
If you want to understand better how this community works,read the rules .
Hello! It might be interesting to add the section "Woltlab Burning Board" in the category "Website Scripts". It is a very used software forum and the "nulled" market is very wide. It can be useful for us users a similar section and also for you (to increase visits and registered users)
You could also add a sub-section "4Story" to the "Games" section. It's a very popular game among lovers of the genre
You could also add a sub-section "4Story" to the "Games" section. It's a very popular game among lovers of the genre
Hello! It might be interesting to add the section "Woltlab Burning Board" in the category "Website Scripts". It is a very used software forum and the "nulled" market is very wide. It can be useful for us users a similar section and also for you (to increase visits and registered users)
make a file request topics where ppl can upload file requests
and make a moving topics which lists every new post sorted by time.
Also make a list under or upper the topics to show where the topics is or which kategory it belongs.
and give an "edit" button as normal user DLC cuz noone will pay for editing his own texts this year...
Also make a list under or upper the topics to show where the topics is or which kategory it belongs.
and give an "edit" button as normal user DLC cuz noone will pay for editing his own texts this year...
Denied ! Is not about paying here, is about spam !! Normal user never will be able to edit posts!
make a file request topics where ppl can upload file requests
and make a moving topics which lists every new post sorted by time.
You already have a section for request on the "metin" section , if you need another one on a specific section just tell us.
Use filters if you want to sort topics by time....
Am observat ca nu se pot modifica postarile,propun sa adaugi si optiunea de a putea modifica postarea in scopul de a nu face "spam",in caz ca am probat ceva sa pot da un edit la post si sa postez alt mesaj dupa ce eu am fost ultimul. Intelegi tu ce vreau eu sa zic
Nu pot sa fac asta , singura varianta ar fi sa aprob fiecare postare in parte daca dau posibilitatea userilor sa isi editeze postarile . Asta ar duce la intarzieri , ca nu pot sta in fiecare secunda online... O alta varianta ar fi sa folosesti functia report si sa pui acolo ce vrei sa modifici .
Nu pot sa fac asta , singura varianta ar fi sa aprob fiecare postare in parte daca dau posibilitatea userilor sa isi editeze postarile . Asta ar duce la intarzieri , ca nu pot sta in fiecare secunda online... O alta varianta ar fi sa folosesti functia report si sa pui acolo ce vrei sa modifici .
Hm. dar asta ar face ca sa primesti si multe report-uri si tot pe acolo o sa ajungi.. si eu am vrut sa propun asta dar vad ca cineva a luat-o inainte :))
ar mai fii 2 chestii daca imi permiti:
1. Sa poti vedea cand primesti like de la cine e sau macar de la ce mesaj este.
2. sa adaugi inca o tema putin mai simpla (fara effectele de scroll).

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