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Wordpress ThemeForest - ShoppyStore v3.3.6 - Multipurpose Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme (15+ Homepages & 3 Mobile Layouts)



SW ShoppyStore is professional WooCommerce WordPress theme that is evaluated with clean and elegant design. It surely fits any eCommerce WordPress store from hitech store, fashion store, beauty shop to baby shop. SW ShoppyStore is regularly updated with new homepage demos, color schemes, new functions and latest technologies that fulfill users’ needs. With 15 elegant homepage layouts, 16 color variations, multiple headers & footer styles, you are free to switch elements between homepages and create any multi-store just in minutes. It is not only about a beautiful design, but also about a fully functional theme that focuses on user experience and usability with huge number of awesome features. This eCommerce WordPress theme is integrated with bbPress that you can quickly build a strong communication along your WooCommerce shop. Besides, it now supports Rich Snippets to help you easily improve your SEO experience.


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