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Metin2 Top Damage



Last edited by a moderator:
I have one erro where i Put the Yamirwork/ui/game

that's why i have the erro don't know where i put

0421 14:54:34481 :: ui:3249: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception

0421 14:54:34483 ::
uiDamageTop.py(line:53) __LoadWindow
ui.py(line:3242) LoadScriptFile
ui.py(line:3432) LoadChildren
ui.py(line:3432) LoadChildren
ui.py(line:3432) LoadChildren
ui.py(line:3249) LoadChildren

DamageTopWindow.__LoadWindow.LoadObject - <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>:Failed to load image (filename: d:/ymir work/ui/game/damage_top/icon_button.sub)

0421 14:54:34483 :: ============================================================================================================
0421 14:54:34483 :: Abort!!!!
I have one erro where i Put the Yamirwork/ui/game

that's why i have the erro don't know where i put

0421 14:54:34481 :: ui:3249: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception

0421 14:54:34483 ::
uiDamageTop.py(line:53) __LoadWindow
ui.py(line:3242) LoadScriptFile
ui.py(line:3432) LoadChildren
ui.py(line:3432) LoadChildren
ui.py(line:3432) LoadChildren
ui.py(line:3249) LoadChildren

DamageTopWindow.__LoadWindow.LoadObject - <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>:Failed to load image (filename: d:/ymir work/ui/game/damage_top/icon_button.sub)

0421 14:54:34483 :: ============================================================================================================
0421 14:54:34483 :: Abort!!!!
Please make a thread on the support section. Here you won't get an answer!
Sorry sonia but this is the system that's why i don't creat another thread for no make useless topic
One more time sorry
Sorry sonia but this is the system that's why i don't creat another thread for no make useless topic
One more time sorry

One topic, for solving an issue, isn't useless.That way, people with the same issue, can find one possible answer.
For that reason, SUPPORT section exists.
Make a topic there, and I'll tell you where to place those images.
I will check how it is made, because I am affraid that you can "abuse" this system (such as One-Shotting a level 15 while being level 105 or killing a stray dog with a complete anti-animal set). Though it's only the matter of a few checks. Gonna install it!
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Vanilla C++ / DIFF / Source 8

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