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What is the difference between Page rank and Trust rank?



The differences between Google Page Rank and Google Trust Rank is important when building a search engine optimized (SEO) website. Depending on your Google ranking, the number of visitors to your website will increase. Since the lion’s share of web traffic comes from Google, it’s essential to understand
the distinctions and differences between the two rankings in order to maximize the visitors to your website.

Page Rank is Google’s method of showing whether or not a website is an authority or not. Google uses a numbering system of one through ten, with ten being the highest number. Typically companies like Google, Microsoft, or Yahoo, will have a “ten” rating. Most websites have closer to a two to five rating. Page Rank lays heavy importance on “backlinking” or links back to the web page. The more links to the page, the more likely it will get a higher Page Rank.

Trust Rank, unlike Page Rank, looks a lot closer at a website. Many webpages out there are spam, filled with lots of meaningless words. What Trust Rank does is sort the wheat from the chaff: a low Trust Rank means that a website won’t appear high up I search results. In short what Google does is chooses an expert to review certain “seed” websites. Once those websites are reviewed and analyzed, then Google uses that website to choose other websites related to that page that have valid, trusted information. The more relevant the content, the more trusted it is, and the higher the Trust Rank. The philosophy is that trusted webpages that link to each other beget webpages with higher Trust Ranks.

Page Rank is a calculated benchmark, it is important to understand that a website’s influence and trust can greatly effect it’s positioning in the engines while page rank is ultimately dictated by the number and quality of links going into your site. Not only the links being pulled from other websites but the pages they are being pulled from, if your links are anchored on pages that themselves possess Page Rank than what’s called “Pr Juice” will be pulled off those pages and onto yours depending on the number of outgoing links on that page. Page Rank is simply used to understand how authoritative your site is in the engines, how it effects your ranking is actually up for debate but needless to say many SEO specialists chase it. While this may be so I can tell you Page Rank does not dictate how you will rank, there are sites with a PR1 – 2 that rank much higher than those with less, potentially due to a more powerful onsite optimization job and more activity. Again, Page Rank is to be used while addressing how your site is viewed by the engines, not its overall value.

Trust Rank on the other hand does have a direct effect on your ranking, Yahoo! was originally the one to think of utilizing the term for calculating the trust of a site and measuring it’s effects in the search results. The aspects of Trust Rank (from what is discussed by SEO’s) are’as follows:

- The age/history of a domain – Domains that have been around a short period and come off as spam are most likely noted as such and are best to stay away from

- Your backlinks and where they are coming from – Naturally if you have many relevant links coming from very authoritative sites this will raise your Trust Rank

- Content on your website – Stick to high quality content that is unique, many argue about repeat content and how having a bulk of the same content out on the web will hurt your site. I believe if you are the first to generate unique content that is later spread it is acceptable but do not duplicate other people’s content

- Optimization history of your domain – If you purchased 10,000 links and the number spiked up I believe it would be fair to say that will be noted for future reference and Trust Rank taken from you

Trust Rank in other words take every facet of your campaign into account, the idea being to read not only the site but the people who are building that site and their intentions. Yahoo! and Google have a responsibility to give their clients relevant information that is of value, if they can use variables to estimate a website and it’s companies intentions than why not?

Page Rank and Trust Rank are very important aspects to the search engine calculations, the first is effective when estimating where you stand in the engines and the second where you will land. Each factor gives you an idea of how analytic the algorithms can be, naturally there are more variables but if you give Google and Yahoo! what they want be it valuable content, quality backlinks or a readable site you will rank.

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