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  1. Introduction Hi bro i m good player or computer programmer?

    Firstname: Maros Age:29 Location: Slovakia Occupation: Carpenter Favorite games: Metin2, GTA SA MP Interests: I like to play games, watch movies, but mostly family A description of you: As I wrote my name is maros I'm from Slovakia and I like to play games I have fun with friends I watch movies...
  2. Myth

    Sanii Shining System Without Python w/ Weapon Costumes

    Hello since i was looking for this system and it was "hard" to find it because Sanii's page is gone, i had to put it together taking bits of code from here and there. It is full with all the fixes and working with armor and weapon costumes. With this system you can assign an .mse file to a...
  3. Nessar33

    Metin2 [C++] Ignore weaker buffs

    This system will ignore the weaker buffs from players and enable you to keep the stronger buffs. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  4. Nessar33

    Metin2 [C++] Party Buff System - Nessar33

    char_skill.cpp search: if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_SELFONLY)) ComputeSkill(dwVnum, this); add before: //Party buff system if (GetParty() && (dwVnum == 94 || dwVnum == 95 || dwVnum == 96 || dwVnum == 110 || dwVnum == 111)) { if (pkVictim->GetParty()){...
  5. Alexandru Ionut

    [How-To] Update Granny (2.4-2.11)

    Hi,i will "teach" you how to update your granny version if you have 2.4. If you want to update from 2.4 to 2.9 use step 1.For update 2.9 to 2.11 just replace files from my rar to your client files and client source files. I will attach a link with all files. Granny Change log...
  6. DevGames

    Metin2 [Advance] Vegas Biolog System

    "Advance", deoarece am adaugat functia mult asteptata de eliminare timp "by item" (recunosc, este un pic dezordonat codul....dar e ok si asa) cine vrea sa il puna putin in ordine, poate folosi "Win merge" sau "Beyond to compare", si sa compare fisirele free de pe net cu acestea...isi va da...
  7. DevGames

    Metin2 [Advance] Gold Bars from source

    in common/service.h add #define __GOLD_BARS__ in char.cpp at end of files add: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ****** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** in...

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