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  1. Official Like Files

    Hey Dear!, My DevName is JaZon aka Serpent - im working on M2 around 7 years in Development (c++/py), i've started around 5 years to create my own Files! I wanted to rebuild the official one. After thousands of hours spending in my Files, i want to offering it. History In around 1-2 years ago...
  2. DevGames

    Serverfiles Leaked files WoM2/SG 2013 (metin2.co.nz)

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  3. Vanilla

    Metin2 TGA files ready for remote NPC

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  4. Jay

    AION - 5.8/6.0 Re-pack

    Greetings, This is SPP-Aion 5.8-6.0, a Re-pack made with the AionGermany technology. In this content the AION 5.8 server is fully playable, but, AION 6.0 is in early stage and many ingame feature are broken yet. This Re-pack includes: - Database (MariaDB 10.1.30) - Compiled Severfiles (5.8...

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