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hello everyone

  1. kubekpupek

    Introduction hello kubekpupek

    Firstname: Kuba Age:27 Location: Poland Occupation: Miner Favorite games: Metin2 Interests: Metin2 A description of you: I’m 27 years old and have been playing Metin since 2007. The game is my passion – over the years, I’ve gained a lot of experience and know its mechanics inside and out. I...
  2. Cady

    Introduction Hello

    *Firstname: Michael *Age: 25 *Location: Franfurt am Main *Occupation: Free Favorite games: Metin2, CS:GO *Interests: c# development, c++ development, graphic *A description of you: In free time crating metin2 servers, bmw lover *Where did you find about OnForum.net ? I saw in google
  3. Introduction Hello :)

    *Firstname: Jozef *Age: 25 *Location: Czech *Occupation: Electrician Favorite games: CSS, Metin *Interests: Programming, sports activities *A description of you: I spend most of my time at work and outside of it it's dynamic .. it depends on possibilities and circumstances :) *Where did you find...
  4. Introduction Introducing myself ^^

    PT Hi, my name is Bruno im a programmer from Portugal and im 19, my favourite games are valorant and metin2. Im a chill vibe with chill vibe friends. I find OnForum by googling stuff about metin. I hope i made a good apresentation
  5. Introduction hello

    *Firstname: Polat *Age: 26 *Location: Germany *Occupation: Cashier Favorite games: Metin 2, Diablo 2 & 3, Witcher etc *Interests: Metin Gamefiles , E-Guitars , E- Guitars and more E- Guitars:D *A description of you: I am a silent Person who not speak that much but i like to be in my Element to...
  6. siyahsilgim

    Introduction Hello

    Firstname:: Yunus Age: 27 Location: Turkey Occupation: graphic design Favorite games: MMORPG, Action, Adventure, Feing ,Open world (Text, Rules of Survival, Ark Survival etc...) A description of you: Reading, spending time on the computer, traveling Where did you find about OnForum.net ...
  7. Zauron

    Introduction hello everyone, greetings from uruguay

    Hello, my name is Carlos, I have 28 years old. I work in the construction industry, and my favorite game is Metin2 of course. I live in Uruguay, I am a person very interested in online games, and this forum has just been recommended to me due to its large number of participants and interactions.

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