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my introduction

  1. Introduction Hello you all beauties

    *Firstname: Chris *Age: 19 Years *Location: DE *Occupation: Production Favorite games: Metin2, OW2, COD *Interests: Developing *A description of you: Live your life is my motto and that's how I go through life *Where did you find about OnForum.net ? I looked for Metin2 Tuts, and i found this Site.
  2. Kenyeer

    Introduction My introduction [Kenyeer]

    Firstname: Dani Age: 18 Location: Hungary Occupation: Student Favorite games: Metin2 / LOL / Minecraft / OSU! Interests: Programming as hobby, everything about animes A description of you: well my nickname is Kenyer (Bread in english) and everybody calls me like that.. I am learning coding at...
  3. radysko

    Introduction My introduction

    Firstname: Radysko Age: 20 Location: Czech Republic Occupation: student Favorite games: Metin2, GTA V Interests: playing on PC, listening to music A description of you: I'm 20 yo student, who likes to play videogames and enjoying life. Also i'm admin on one of metin2 Pservers. Where did you find...

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