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  1. Infinity dungeon (TUTORIAL) by caanmasu

    Hello everyone My Discord is: caanmasu I bring you my second quest tutorial where you can improve your quest/lua skills (a bit of SQL too) until you become a real expert. Note: in the attached file is the first and second tutorial (Spanish and English language) This tutorial is about an...
  2. Introduction Presentation of me

    Firstname: Vincent Thauros Age: 22 years old Location: France Occupation: Computer science student Favorite games: League of Legends Interests: Learning more about programming A description of you: I love programming and video games Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google Other...
  3. GT_Rambo

    Music Chillstep Music for Programming / Cyber / Coding

    Sometimes I like to listen to this music when I'm dealing with codes. I also recommend it for you to listen.

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