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  1. Myth

    Sanii Shining System Without Python w/ Weapon Costumes

    Hello since i was looking for this system and it was "hard" to find it because Sanii's page is gone, i had to put it together taking bits of code from here and there. It is full with all the fixes and working with armor and weapon costumes. With this system you can assign an .mse file to a...
  2. Animated weapons (GLOWING!)

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  3. Sonia

    Quests /Python Shining System

    https://i.gyazo.com/5a9a968f7cbe3c90d71fcd0a6b50237d.gif *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  4. ZaraZa

    New Effects

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