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  1. DevGames

    Metin2 Sura_head clean Serverfile

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** index/start.sh FIX *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  2. Vanilla

    Serverfiles Server File + Source , 120 PvM Medium,multilanguage 2022

    The server are perfectly working and full source as well - all the bugs found is fixed The server have 11 Dungeons , all working with Re-Enter in Dungeon Freebsd 11.3 MySQL 5.6 Navicat: User: root Password : JT4JqqfrgR1H5V3v1iDaN8sJJyua8hx3 Login Interface With Fast Login + Multi-language...
  3. Umbra4G

    Serverfiles Server File & Source & Web & ItemShop

    The server are perfectly working and full source as well - all the bugs found is fixed The server have 11 Dungeons , all working with Re-Enter in Dungeon The server have 2 language translated (Romanian and English) - You need to translate the rest Price for this server & full source 300Euro If...
  4. Blaze

    Serverfiles Serverfiles pvm Martysama 2022 (source+fixes)

    Step:1) Download 11.4 ID: root PW: 123123 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Step:2) configure your virtual machine well example: Configuration // system // Select: Disk and Network Network // SELECT YOUR NETWORK CARD //...
  5. DevGames

    Serverfiles SF+Sources Pongo V2

    Am citit ca este cautat acest SF, si am decis sa il postez eu! SF este unul Clean, ideal pentru cei ce vor sa plece de la zero (nu am poze, dar va imaginati) *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  6. Blaze

    [Unity 5.X+] Project ZoSo MMORPG full source

    Requirements: Unity 3D 5.X+ Photon Network Raven DB DigtalRune Features (so far): Character creation Quests Items Action bar Spells Conversation Merchants Collision Map World to World Combat Loot Upcoming Features: Custom Physics System Replace RavenDB with MySQL How to Setup: *** Hidden...
  7. DevGames

    Metin2 [Advance] Vegas Biolog System

    "Advance", deoarece am adaugat functia mult asteptata de eliminare timp "by item" (recunosc, este un pic dezordonat codul....dar e ok si asa) cine vrea sa il puna putin in ordine, poate folosi "Win merge" sau "Beyond to compare", si sa compare fisirele free de pe net cu acestea...isi va da...
  8. Vanilla

    Metin2 Royal + Source [full version]

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  9. Sonia

    Metin2 Marty 2017 Source & cliente

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  10. Sonia

    Immortal Gunz Source + Client + Database + Website

    Features : » CW / Player War / Duel Tournament ➲ Competent staff ➲ Daily events ➲ maximum Level 999 ➲ Anti-Lead and Lead ➲ Version 1.5 ➲ Color name ➲ Server Online 24 Hours! ➲ Perfect gameplay ➲ Anti Hack ➲ Anti UC ➲ Anti SB ➲ Anti DDOS (PROTECT) ➲ Anti HitBox ➲ Donation, Event and Normal items...

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