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  1. maxtr2

    Introduction Presentation

    Firstname: Guilherme Age: 41 Location: Brasil Occupation: Web Dev jr. Favorite games: Dark Souls Interests: Learn c++ and python A description of you: Just a simple web dev who like old games and mmo rpgs. Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google Other specifications?: I want to learn about...
  2. Umbra4G

    Serverfiles Server File & Source & Web & ItemShop

    The server are perfectly working and full source as well - all the bugs found is fixed The server have 11 Dungeons , all working with Re-Enter in Dungeon The server have 2 language translated (Romanian and English) - You need to translate the rest Price for this server & full source 300Euro If...
  3. Jay


    HEADER ANIMATION Do you want the web with code? Client and Launcher design? Contact me and let's discuss it ! Low Cost Prices! Discord: Fregion#3615
  4. Razor16

    Introduction hello

    Firstname: Stefan Age: 25 Location: Hungary, Budapest Occupation: IT-System Integration expert Favorite games: Metin2, CS:GO, LoL Interests: Football, E-sport A description of you: I would like to create and test a metin2 server on a hobby level. Where did you find about OnForum.net ? From...

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