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  1. Vanilla

    Xenforo 2 ThemeHouse - Reactions Plus v1.0.1 - XenForo 2 Add-on

    If you want to get more out of reactions on your forum, than Reactions Plus is for you. Expand the type of reactions on your forum, choose who can use reactions, what nodes they can be used in, and set up auto moderation based on a set reaction score threshold so users can help moderate the...
  2. Vanilla

    Xenforo 2 ThemeHouse - Notifier - with Slack integration v1.0.0 - XenForo 2 Add-on

    Know what’s happening on your forum and stay up to date by sending notifications from XenForo to Slack and Mattermost. Set up the actions you would like to receive notifications about and further define it by choosing the nodes, categories, report content types, and user criteria based on the...
  3. Vanilla

    Xenforo 2 User upgrade receipt v1.5 - XenForo Add-On

    Creates a user upgrade receipt. Features: All phrases start with userupgradereceipt_ for your convenience. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  4. Vanilla

    Xenforo 2 Brivium - Modern Statistics v3.1.0 - XenForo Add-On

    Modern Statistics - XenForo 2 Add-on provides for you an amazing tool of statistic in your site/forum. Users could see and follow to hot trend or update the newest information on that. Modern Statistics is an intelligent function of the statistic in the forum. There are four main objects of...
  5. Blaze

    Xenforo 2 s9e Media Sites v2.2.11 - XenForo Add-On

    This add-on implements a carefully curated collection of the most useful and most requested media sites. The embedded media sites are responsive where applicable and lazy-loaded to improve their performance and efficiency. This add-on contains the definitions for 118 media sites: ABC News...

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