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Announcement Credits for content/ Credite pentru link-uri


Buna tuturor !
La sugestia lui @TeoDoR am adaugat acest sistem ,asta inseamna ca incepand de astazi veti gasi pe forum anumite topicuri unde veti putea vedea link-ul de download doar dupa ce veti plati un anumit numar de credite .
Puteti obtine 1 credit de fiecare data cand creati un topic nou care sa reprezinte o resursa sau un tutorial . Orice altceva postati nu va aduce credite !
Aveti si varianta pentru lenesi, adica sa le cumparati 5 euro =25 credite ,va rog totusi sa alegeti varianta gratuita . Doar userii VIP vor putea vedea continutul fara credite .

Hello everyone !

At the suggestion of @ [USER = 223] TeoDoR [/ USER] I added this system, this means that starting from today you will find on the forum some topics where you can see the download link only after you pay a specific number of credits .

You can get 1 credit every time you create a new topic that represents a resource or a tutorial. Anything else posted will not bring you credit!

You also have the option for lazy users, that is to buy credits 5 euros = 25 credits, I encourage you to choose the free option.
Only VIP and Elite users will be able to view content without credits.

Daca vrei sa postezi un link pe credite trebuie doar sa folosesti functia "charge"
If you want to post a link on credits you just have to use the "charge" function

Tie link-ul iti va aparea normal dar alti useri vor trebui sa plateasca nr de credite cerute de tine .
For you the link will appear as a normal link but other users have to pay to see it!

Cam asa arata topicurile unde link-ul de download poate fi vizualizat abia dupa ce platesti creditele cerute de autorul topicului:
This is how the topics looks like , download link can be viewed only after you pay the credits requested by the topic author:



Daca vreti sa cumparati credite ,accesati sectiunea credite ,click pe nr tau de credite
If you want to buy credits, access the credits section, click on your credit number


Click pe "Purchase "daca vrei sa cumperi credite pentru contul tau sau pe "gift "daca vrei sa faci creditele cadou altui user
Click on "Purchase" if you want to buy credits for your account or on "gift" if you want to make gift credits to another user



Daca aveti intrebari le puteti lasa la acest topic .
If you have questions you can leave them on this topic.
Foarte bună idee, dar pentru concretizare:
pentru resursele deja postate se vor aloca credite sau deja doar pentru ce vor urma?
Hi, I didn't know where to write, but does it only work from the vip onwards? because I tried to do it for several of my files that I posted but it didn't work for me.
We talked on Skype, I explained you and showed you that everything works just fine. Any user can post content for credits.

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We found that you are blocking the display of ads on our site.

Please add it to the exception list or disable AdBlock.

The advertises that you'll see aren't intrusive they just help us to keep the community alive

If you don't want to see those ads just buy an upgrade.

Thank you for understanding!


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