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Serverfiles [Serverfiles] (WOG2) 34k -2021


What to begin with:
1 - Resources are mainline_released.
2 - The binary is the original noval.
3 - Server files made in Wom2 34k build with many restructuring changes
4 - You will need freebsd 12.1 32 bit.

Content and changes: 1 - Works on source, gcc48 and c ++ 11
2 - confidence instead of gmake dep
3 - Removed (Serverkey, Limit_time, googletest)
4 - asynqsql fixes for latin2.
5 - The client is 450MB, only the server's use for pvp is kept.
6 - All positions are rebuilt on the client.

What else do you need to do? (This server isn't ready yet, so you still have some work to do.)
1 - As far as I remember, some ENG -> RO + locale_string.txt systems need to be translated for you to add.
2 - CH selection part in interface is not completed in Photoshop.
3 - Maybe you still need fixes at the source ... That's what you're looking for ... I put what I think is useful
4 - Port -> you need to resolve the overflow in the package. (The server was tested by several players, no big bugs ... but it may crash) You can use the Spenchless version and that's fine.
5 - Since I don't have time for the npc part of the folders, these are the original ones ... so you have to make them your location where the npc is.
6 - You may need to delete everything in the "data" folder and get every npc / monster file to do this again.
7 - For the / full command, you must put your items in cmd_general.
source game
#ifndef __INC_SERVICE_H__
#define __INC_SERVICE_H__

/ *** WOG Systems *** /
// # define __AUCTION__ // Guild Action House. (Must be removed altogether).
#define __PET_SYSTEM__ // Pet system original.
#define ENABLE_FEATURES_FIRST_LOGIN // Start level directly on source.
#define __GUILD_START_WITH_MAX_LEVEL__ // Level and points to guild 20 when creating it.
#define __ ELIMINATION_TIME_FROM_GREEN__ // Eliminate waiting time between creating another guild.
#define ENABLE_DAMAGE_TOP // Top dmg Thomas Shelby.
#define DUEL_AVANSAT_BY_ANDREI // Rewriting now works the penetration + poison + criticism + blocking + slowing down.
#define __SWITCHBOT__ // Switchbot Boobs version of 5 slots.
#define __HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM__ // Higlight for items + Switchbot breasts.
#define ENABLE_TITLE_SYSTEM // System titles from vegas v5.0 2019.
#define __WEAPON_COSTUME_SYSTEM__ // System Skinurii value3.
#define __VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP__ // See how much life a player has.
#define __VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP__ // See player life percentage.
#define __EFFECT_SYSTEM__ // Weapon smoke system and armor.
#define ENABLE_AFTERDEATH_SHIELD // System protection when you return.
#define AFTERDEATH_SHIELD_DURATION 5 // Duration of protection when you return.
#define ENABLE_SHOW_CHEST_DROP // Show trunk drop.
#define __MOB_DISAPPEAR_FAST__VALUE 2 // Mobi disappear after 2 seconds when killed (Mobi / Metine).
#define __SEND_TARGET_INFO__ // See drop on mobi.
#define ENABLE_SHOW_QUIZ_NUMBER_OXEVENT // Show the question number at ox.
#define ENABLE_MULTISHOP // Buy with items from the shop.
#define ENABLE_NEW_DMG // Fixed dmg system.
/ *** WOG Systems *** /

/ *** External Ip Reading GOOGLE WOG2 *** /
#define PROXY_IP // Read ip_proxy from configurations.
/ *** External Ip Reading GOOGLE WOG2 *** /

/ *** WOG2 Protection *** /
#define __UDP_BLOCK__ // Locks the inputs on the udp port.
#define _IMPROVED_PACKET_ENCRYPTION_ // Modified packet data between client and server.
#define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY // P2P Security..To suck -censored- that flooding.
#define WJ_SECURITY_SYSTEM // Password login system.
/ *** WOG2 protection *** /

/ *** WOG2 fixes *** /
#define __FIX_EQUIP_ITEM_IN_SAFEBOX__ // Fix for adding team items to the repository.
#define __FIX_LONG_RESULT_LIST_TEXT__ // Fix cube2.
#define __FIX_PACKET_ID_CHECKED__ // Fix package.
#define __FIX_PC_SELECT_QUEST__ // Fix quest select.
#define __FIX_UPDATE_PLAYTIME_AND_ITEMS__ // Update time played and items per character.
#define ENABLE_ANTI_CMD_FLOOD // Cmd flood.
#define ENABLE_COORDINATES_ON_COMMAND_USER // Coordonate player.
#define ENABLE_FIX_QUICK_SLOT // Fix quick slot.

#define TELEPORT_COUNTDOWN_TIME 3 // Timp pentru astepatere teleportare (3s)

SOURCE Client.
/*** Systeme Wog2 ***/
#define ENABLE_SERVERNAME_FROM_SOURCE // Citeste numele la client din sursa.
#define ENABLE_SERVERNAME "Wog2.ro - War of Gods PvP Server 2020. | versiune 1.0.1" // Citeste numele la client din sursa.
#define ENABLE_DAMAGE_TOP // Top Dagamage Thomas Shelby.
#define ENABLE_SWITCHBOT // SaniiSwitchbot.
#define ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM // Highlight iteme + saniiswitchbot.
#define ENABLE_TITLE_SYSTEM // System de titluri by Vegas.
#define ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM // Systemul de costume.
#ifdef ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM // System skinuri arme.
#endif // System skin arme.
#define ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP // Vezi total viata la playeri.
#define ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP // Vezi procentaj viata la playeri.
#define ENABLE_EFFECT_SYSTEM // System fumuri pe arme si armuri.
#define ENABLE_AFTERDEATH_SHIELD // System protectie reinviere.
#define ENABLE_PET_SLOT // Sloturi pentru peturi pe inventar.
#define ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM // Noi sloturi inventory.
#define ENABLE_SHOW_CHEST_DROP // Vizualizare drop din cufere.
#define ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO // Vezi dropul la mobi.
#define LINK_IN_CHAT // Link in chat.
#define COPY_PASTE_SYSTEM // System copy-paste (ctr+c / ctr+v) = eterbase/ime.cpp
#define ENABLE_MULTISHOP // Magazin cu iteme.
#define ENABLE_REBORN_SYSTEM // System Reborn Vegas.
#define ENABLE_TW_LEVEL_MODULE //Enables showing needed level in window.
#define ENABLE_TW_YANG_MODULE //Enables showing needed yang in window.
#define ENABLE_TW_ITEM_MODULE //Enables showing needed item in window.

#define ENABLE_REALTIME_REFRESH //Auto refreshing.
/*** Systeme Wog2 ***/

/*** Protectie Wog2 ***/
#define WJ_SECURITY_SYSTEM // Parola intrare pe server.
/*** Protectie Wog2 ***/

/*** Locatie pentru server Wog2 ***/
#define LOCALE_SERVICE_EUROPE // Deoarece serverul este in romana , localele o sa citeasca diacriticile corect.
/*** Locatie pentru server Wog2 ***/

/*** Fixuri Wog2 ***/
#define ENABLE_TEXT_LEVEL_REFRESH // Nivelul isi face instant refresh.
/*** Fixuri Wog2 ***/


Do not ask for pictures because I don't have!

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