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Quests /Python name change quest


Today I am releasing an old quest that is still working
quest desired name begin
    state start begin
        when 40002. use begin
             local bugfix_count = pc . count_item ( item . get_vnum ())
            say_title " Custom Name Ticket - Introduction"
            say "This ticket gives you the opportunity to use a"
            say "name of your choice."
            say "In order for you to change your name, you have to fulfill "
            say "the following requirement."
            say ""
            say_reward "- You have to be guildless.""
            say "For protection, certain special characters are not"
            say "allowed, but you'll learn after sequel"
            say "which are."
            say ""
            say_reward "Would you like to choose your desired name?" if select ( "Enter desired name" , "Exit" ) == 2 then return end if pc . hasguild () == true then
                say_title "name change failed"
                say ""
               "You can put your name change because you"
                say "are in a guild."
                say "Complete the following requirement to change your name"
                say "."
                say ""
                say_reward "- You have to be guildless." return end
            say_title " Custom Name Ticket - Enter new name"
            say "Please enter your new name." local inp = "" repeat
                inp = input () if inp == ""
                  "Custom Name Ticket - Cancel process"
                    say "Do you want to cancel?"if select("Yes","No")==1thenreturnendenduntil inp ~=""for _,l in pairs{" "}do-- delete this characters
                inp = string.gsub(inp,l,""=
            inp1 = inp
            for i=1, string.len(character), 1 do
                inp1 = string.gsub(inp1, "(%"..string.sub(character, i, i)..")", "")
            if string.find(inp1, "(%W)")!=nil then
                say_title "Name change failed"
                say ""
                say "You have an invalid character in the name, the"
                say "characters that are not allowed, and you want to use"
                say "are:"
                say_reward ( string . gsub ( inp1 , "(% w ) " , " " ))) return end if string . len ( inp )> = 21 then
                say_title "name change failed" 
             "You can not change your name, because this
                say is too long."
                say "Complete the following requirement to change your name"
                say "."
                say ""
                say_reward "- Maximum of 20 characters." return end if string . len ( inp ) <= 2 then
                say_title "Name change failed"
                say ""
                say "You can not change your name because this"
                say "is too short."
                say "
                say "to change."
                say ""
                say_reward "- At least 3 characters." return end
            say_title " Custom Name Ticket Confirmation"
            say_reward "After confirming your new name,"
            say_reward "will not be refundable."
            say ""
            say "You currently have the following name:"
            say_title ( "" .. pc . get_name () .. "" )
            say ""
            ( inp )
            say ""
            say_reward "Do you want to use this name?" if select ( "Confirm new name" , "Cancel" ) == 2 then return end local _ , _ , y = string . find ( inp , "^% [([^%]] *)%]" ) if y then local ly = string . upper ( y ) for _
                ,l in pairs{"SA","GM","GA","SGA","SGM","TGM","MOD", "DEV", "SL", "Team", "SMOD", "TMOD", "TA", "BA", "YT", "CoMa", "Youtube", "P2", "HA", "PvP"} do
                    if ly == l then
                        return say "You can not use that name!" end end end if bugfix_count ~ = pc . count_item ( item . get_vnum ()) then
                notice "BUGUSER!" - As punishment remove ALL!
                pc . remove_item ( item . get_vnum (), pc . count_item ( item . get_vnum ())) end local formatted_name = string . sub ( string
            .format("%q",inp),2,-2) -- CHANGED
            local change = pc.change_name(formatted_name)
            if change == 4 then
                -- Wenn stackbar:
                -- pc.remove_item(item.get_vnum(),1)
            say_title "Custom Name Ticket - Completion"
            say (({
                [ENTER] Name change failed! [ENTER] You have already changed your name within the last [ENTER] 14 days. [ENTER] Please perform a relog! " , "ERROR - Parameter error" , - << will never be displayed ingame "[ENTER] Name change failed! [ENTER] You entered an invalid name." , "[ENTER] Name change failed! [ENTER] Your chosen name already exists." , [ENTER] Congratulations! [ENTER] The name change was successful. [ENTER] Your new name is: [ENTER] " .. formatted_name .. " [ENTER] " ,
            if change == 4 then
                pc.warp(pc.get_x()*100, pc.get_y()*100)

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