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  1. Metin2 Please, explain me these files

    Hello Guys, Can someone explain me for what can i use these files? 1 - common_drop_items 2 - drop_item_group 3 - etc_drop_item 4 - group 5 - group_group 6 - special_item_group Thank you!
  2. streettime98

    Metin2 - Water Bleu Texture

    Link Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p0FDEn2nvaS2I3e3GtSDB8U9UWU4_8Dq/view?usp=drive_link
  3. Blaze


    SYSTEMS: - Dungeon Info + Re-entry system (Checks to make sure there is no abuse at re-entry) - Offline Store Ikarus (Fixed) - WIKI System (Fixed, do not mix pictures or categories) - Biology System - Irradiation of the Boss Area - Calendar Events + Automatic Event (4 Events available...
  4. Raafey

    [SELL]Metin2 Interface - NEW (+ Coding - Ready to use)

    #DELETED if you are interested please add in the discord: itst11m
  5. [SA]Return

    Introduction Ádám

    Firstname: Ádám Age: 27 Location: Hungary Occupation: Marketer Favorite games: Metin2 Interests: Metin2 A description of you: Hello. I'm Ádám (Mr.Pi), who creates promotions for metin2 servers, I would like to introduce you the next server I'm working on Where did you find about OnForum.net: Google
  6. Vanilla

    Serverfiles Hiera Server Files

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  7. Introduction Hello i'm coffee

    Hello, Firstname: Jorge Location: Czech Occupation: CZ Fav games: Metin2, League of Legens and World of Warcraft Descrip.: I'm a developer just starting out with metin and looking for any advice. i found that on Google while i searching for Ava2 translate help.
  8. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 DracaryS Renewal Affect Shower (Last & Full)

    Renewal Affects Shower DESCRİPTİON I re-write all code for affect shower(cleaning bad and old codes). Has remove affect algorithm. So if some affect types can remove from player, you just need put affect type index in static function. Has tooltip algorithm. Tooltip shows description, point...
  9. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 DracaryS Energy Crystal

    Energy Crystal DESCRİPTİON Energy Crystal has +25 max level. Every +5 step giving different bonus. Max Bonus count is 5. Has 2 different refine scroll for different refine level range. Energy Crystal has left time when is done player can’t earn bonus but player can add time with special time...
  10. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 DracaryS Auto Login after Crash FULL

    Auto Login after Crash DESCRİPTİON Important: In video i put manuel crash code for testing. Algorithm purpose is if u get crash any reason in clientsrc example null pointer or lib etc, will auto login like in video. Algorithm work every phase in client. DOWNLOAD
  11. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 DracaryS Event Manager V2 FULL

    EVENT MANAGER V2 DESCRİPTİON System work with cache. Can add more events with easy config. Have good tutorial and read me file for how to work. Important: Event Manager only have: Bonus event. Double boss loot. Double metin loot. Double mission book loot. Dungeon ticket loot. Moonlight...
  12. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 Dracarys Auto Metin Farm

    DracaryS Auto Metin Farm DESCRİPTİON System work with server. System has smooth auto farm algorithm. Has special item for increase total metin count. 3 -> 5 (these changeable these value) All other details in video. DOWNLOAD
  13. Tronium

    Tronium - International server!

    It is time for us, to announce our server Join our world and become a part of the Tronium community! by joining us, you'll have the chance to meet the special edition of your beloved game and familiarize yourself with its various and unique systems. And the best part of joining on the opening...
  14. Infinity dungeon (TUTORIAL) by caanmasu

    Hello everyone My Discord is: caanmasu I bring you my second quest tutorial where you can improve your quest/lua skills (a bit of SQL too) until you become a real expert. Note: in the attached file is the first and second tutorial (Spanish and English language) This tutorial is about an...
  15. Evans

    Metin2 Sword Effects

    Hello! DOWNLOAD: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  16. Evans

    Metin2 Wings Effects

    HI! Sorry for the video quality😅 DOWNLOAD: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  17. Evans

    Metin2 Weapon set (green)

    DOWNLOAD: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  18. Evans

    Angel of Love Dane Service

    Hi everyone! Download: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  19. Evans

    Metin2 Santa's sleigh

    Hello everyone! Here is a cool santa's sleigh with his reindeer. Download: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  20. Evans

    Costumes Vandaa Costume&Weapon

    Hello! New costume for you 😊 Download: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***

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