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  1. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 DracaryS Renewal Affect Shower (Last & Full)

    Renewal Affects Shower DESCRİPTİON I re-write all code for affect shower(cleaning bad and old codes). Has remove affect algorithm. So if some affect types can remove from player, you just need put affect type index in static function. Has tooltip algorithm. Tooltip shows description, point...
  2. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 DracaryS Energy Crystal

    Energy Crystal DESCRİPTİON Energy Crystal has +25 max level. Every +5 step giving different bonus. Max Bonus count is 5. Has 2 different refine scroll for different refine level range. Energy Crystal has left time when is done player can’t earn bonus but player can add time with special time...
  3. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 DracaryS Auto Login after Crash FULL

    Auto Login after Crash DESCRİPTİON Important: In video i put manuel crash code for testing. Algorithm purpose is if u get crash any reason in clientsrc example null pointer or lib etc, will auto login like in video. Algorithm work every phase in client. DOWNLOAD
  4. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 DracaryS Event Manager V2 FULL

    EVENT MANAGER V2 DESCRİPTİON System work with cache. Can add more events with easy config. Have good tutorial and read me file for how to work. Important: Event Manager only have: Bonus event. Double boss loot. Double metin loot. Double mission book loot. Dungeon ticket loot. Moonlight...
  5. Ionut Barbescu

    Metin2 Dracarys Auto Metin Farm

    DracaryS Auto Metin Farm DESCRİPTİON System work with server. System has smooth auto farm algorithm. Has special item for increase total metin count. 3 -> 5 (these changeable these value) All other details in video. DOWNLOAD
  6. perla

    Introduction Hello, nice people

    Firstname: gonzalo Age: 25 Location: Argentina Occupation: Student Favorite games: Minecraft, MuOnline, Metin2, LOL, VALORANT, CSGO, Call of duty modern warfare Interests: Girls, programming, metin2 A description of you: I am unique Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Searching in google, i...
  7. Introduction Hi Onforum!

    Firstname: Ezequiel Age: 24 Location: Argentina 🇦🇷 Occupation: Student 🥸 Favorite games: Metin2, Counter Strike Interests: Learn new things :cool: A description of you: What to tell you? My name is Ezequiel, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina and I like to play Metin2 and CS:GO, I'm very...
  8. Introduction Hello everyone

    *Firstname: Tuna *Age: 28 *Location: Turkey *Occupation: Software Favorite games: Metin2 *Interests: I like to mess around with bug solving. *A description of you: tuna from turkey i *Where did you find about OnForum.net ? Google Other specifications? Sufficient
  9. Serverfiles Metin2 full pvm

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  10. Blaze

    Serverfiles Clever pvm svf 2020 ready for Christmas :D

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  11. Vanilla

    Metin2 Nightmare armors

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  12. Vanilla

    Metin2 Natural armors (no lycan)

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  13. Vanilla

    Metin2 Halloween 2019 costumes no lycan

    -=Stripped Content=-
  14. Vanilla

    Metin2 Golden armors

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  15. Vanilla

    Metin2 Crystal mine armors (no lycan)

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  16. Vanilla

    Metin2 Tree Package

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  17. Vanilla

    Shaman Floral Costume

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  18. Vanilla

    Sexy Shaman Costume

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  19. Vanilla

    Costumes Formal Wear 2019

    This costume comes in 2 colors (Red and Blue) *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  20. Sonia

    Metin2 Magic weapon set

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