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Hi again, I came back with new things.
As the title says, I post my work that I did to a client and he, after using it and still using it, disappeared with my money and I decided to share it with you:
All are made in the same theme (red tint) loginscreen, 4 loadingscreens and 2 sliders for your website.
One with the grand opening and the other with your discord server. They come with a PSD file for editing.
I would appreciate it though if you would leave a "thanks" and my watermark, where it is.
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You fagg... This is Masterdom work, he posted them first on j**. ro I and his own platform 1 year ago
Very useful to have the PSD files in order to be able to customize the images, really appreciated.
Looks very clean, however the coding part into the actual login will be a time-consuming challenge. I'll try to implement it into my test-server and probably post it here after I done coding it. Thanks for the share!

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