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[RELEASE] WorldEditor - Create effects and maps with this tool in 3d!


LINK DOWNLOAD tool + file:

What's the use?
It's a simple tool and with a minimum of desire and patience you can get excellent results. With this tool you can try the effects without having to enter the game and nodify them in the blink of an eye ;)

What's in the archive?
The archive weighs over 200 megs because inside the archive (in addition to the tool) there are the decrypted pack files with the ymir work path /
this means that if you have to put the PC.epk / eix file you will have to decrypt it and insert it in the tool files inside ymir work of pc (not all but only the pc / ymir work folder / "folder to put") [I repeated 50 times the word folder sorry]
Here is the screen with the files that are inside it:


1- Page for editing the loaded map
2- Page for creating / editing effect
3- Page for creating the map (from zero but for now I've never tried it)
4- Key to load the file mse
5- Screen to start the effect as if we were in game
6- Serves to merge two files mse (this magic button saves hours of work and can be combined to create more effects to create a new)

Warning:if you create the file mse in the desktop inside in the scripts you will find the complete file path to get to the texture of the effect itself! so if you have to put it in the client delete everything and leave only the file (example: if you have saved the mse in the desktop inside the file mse you will have the path of the texture as: "client / pack / pc ... / rosso.jpg "you change it to" red.jpg "and of course the file red.jpg must be in the same folder as the mse file

The tool is in beta for which there are bugs ... I list those that I found so as not to alarm you:
- the key between the number 1 and 2 I miss the program
- when I go out and try to reopen the tool the program does not start again and I have to re-extract the whole archive in a new folder (NB IN A NEW FOLDER OR YOU DO NOT START)
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