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Metin2 Autopatcher C++ Full (free, with source and tutorial, no virus)

Ionut Barbescu

Autopatcher C++ Full (free, with source and tutorial, no virus)
Sal, I saw that the download link/tutorial link is no longer available, so I thought I'd repost them.

In the archive below you have:
- Autopatcher Full archive
- Configuration
tutorial - Update tutorial

Autopatcher information:
- Written in C++
- Minimalist design
- No viruses (see below)
- Has config, minimize and exit button functions
- Has loading bar with text
- It has a News/Patchnotes bar
- The design can be easily changed (pictures, buttons, loading bar, etc.)
- The title of the application can be changed from the source


The autopatcher is not detected as a virus, except by 3 anti-virus programs that no one uses.

(one Vietnamese and 2 others that stupidly detect programs as viruses)


This is what the autopatcher looks like:


Autopatcher C++ Full (free, with source and tutorial, no virus)
Sal, I saw that the download link/tutorial link is no longer available, so I thought I'd repost them.

In the archive below you have:
- Autopatcher Full archive
- Configuration
tutorial - Update tutorial

Autopatcher information:
- Written in C++
- Minimalist design
- No viruses (see below)
- Has config, minimize and exit button functions
- Has loading bar with text
- It has a News/Patchnotes bar
- The design can be easily changed (pictures, buttons, loading bar, etc.)
- The title of the application can be changed from the source


The autopatcher is not detected as a virus, except by 3 anti-virus programs that no one uses.

(one Vietnamese and 2 others that stupidly detect programs as viruses)


This is what the autopatcher looks like:


*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Finally a good patcher, thank you :)
Autopatcher C++ Full (free, with source and tutorial, no virus)
Sal, I saw that the download link/tutorial link is no longer available, so I thought I'd repost them.

In the archive below you have:
- Autopatcher Full archive
- Configuration
tutorial - Update tutorial

Autopatcher information:
- Written in C++
- Minimalist design
- No viruses (see below)
- Has config, minimize and exit button functions
- Has loading bar with text
- It has a News/Patchnotes bar
- The design can be easily changed (pictures, buttons, loading bar, etc.)
- The title of the application can be changed from the source


The autopatcher is not detected as a virus, except by 3 anti-virus programs that no one uses.

(one Vietnamese and 2 others that stupidly detect programs as viruses)


This is what the autopatcher looks like:


*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Thank you for sharing this, I will try it. :) Did you use imgui for that project?
Autopatcher C++ Full (free, with source and tutorial, no virus)
Sal, I saw that the download link/tutorial link is no longer available, so I thought I'd repost them.

In the archive below you have:
- Autopatcher Full archive
- Configuration
tutorial - Update tutorial

Autopatcher information:
- Written in C++
- Minimalist design
- No viruses (see below)
- Has config, minimize and exit button functions
- Has loading bar with text
- It has a News/Patchnotes bar
- The design can be easily changed (pictures, buttons, loading bar, etc.)
- The title of the application can be changed from the source


The autopatcher is not detected as a virus, except by 3 anti-virus programs that no one uses.

(one Vietnamese and 2 others that stupidly detect programs as viruses)


This is what the autopatcher looks like:


*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Appreciate you! Thank you I with you the best.

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